Round 3 - Crystal Palace: Senior Open
SenO (Open) - SENIOR  Cyclocross Regional
24-09-2023 14:50   Nations: 1   Starters: 83

Generated: 05-02-2024 21:22:51

RankBibNameTeamLicenseUCI IDTimeGap
1.314BAKRANIA, Kishan890970 1:02:45
2.422MOULDEN, AndrewLee Velo (South East London)1005070 1:04:532'07"
3.370CHAPMAN, Paddy1775066 1:04:572'12"
4.275FRASER, GrantG!RO Cycles941254 1:06:033'18"
5.144CLARK, DanMagspeed Racing1394216 1:06:043'19"
6.146CLARKE, Theo1437862 1:06:253'40"
7.153EGAN, DeclanKingston Wheelers CC957738 1:07:254'40"
8.437STOREY, JacobtrainSharp Development Team710015 1:07:284'42"
9.381CUTSFORTH, JackSPATZWEAR716008 1:08:045'18"
10.255SINCLAIR, WilfredVelo 1860457311 1:08:245'39"
11.338MALIK, OmarSouthborough & District Whls1051245 1:02:55-1 lap
12.415MEERAN, Charlie457189 1:03:01-1 lap
13.278HARGREAVES, PeterGFTL443191 1:03:17-1 lap
14.283JANAK, Peter1219443 1:03:21-1 lap
15.358BATES, OliverIslington Cycling Club895077 1:03:48-1 lap
16.362BOATRIGHT-ROBERTS, Lucian973662 1:04:01-1 lap
17.59RICHARDS, Leigh1259811 1:04:03-1 lap
18.489MCGOLDRICK, ConorRichardsons Trek DAS1455506 1:04:17-1 lap
19.157FRIC, BerangerDulwich Paragon CC1460944 1:05:00-1 lap
20.342ROIG DINARES, SantiagoRapha Works Racing1779844 1:05:01-1 lap
21.512YEUNG YAM WAH, DavidTEMP_164117... 1:05:26-1 lap
22.66SMITH, NoahNLTCBMBC468732 1:05:42-1 lap
23.456OSOSKI, RaifKingston Wheelers CC1685452 1:05:51-1 lap
24.461BAKER, RupertMono CC987247 1:06:02-1 lap
25.77WALDER, GrantCrawley Wheelers1678498 1:06:05-1 lap
26.192SLOAN, GeorgeVC Londres723289 1:06:17-1 lap
27.330HOGBEN, PeterThanet RC1677092 1:06:26-1 lap
28.502STEWART, HenryClapham Chasers Run & Tri Club1281511 1:06:30-1 lap
29.453GUEST, JoshuaOxted Cycling Club1550062 1:06:35-1 lap
30.384DEAN, StewartBrixton cycles club1512652 1:06:58-1 lap
31.272DOWLEY, ElliotLondon Dynamo1698271 1:07:25-1 lap
32.42KOWALSKI, Kamil1702929 1:07:38-1 lap
33.471CHAPMAN, DeanVC Deal1115719 1:08:07-1 lap
34.411MASON, ThomasSunday Echappée1227913 1:08:35-1 lap
35.179MATHIE, RichardPenge Cycle Club1148402 1:08:36-1 lap
36.340NOBLE, PeteBrixton cycles clubTEMP_659615... 1:08:38-1 lap
37.438SUMMERS, ChristopherVC Deal1775394 1:08:49-1 lap
38.513ZALIZKO, EdgarTEMP_889077... 1:10:03-1 lap
39.390GACSÓ, Szilárd1566001 1:02:48-2 laps
40.155FERNANDEZ, TomasDulwich Paragon CC1720410 1:02:53-2 laps
41.386EDWARDS, MarkOCTAVE1073517 1:02:56-2 laps
42.455LOCHEE-BAYNE, EdSunday Echappée933122 1:03:00-2 laps
43.396HARRIS, JonahSES Racing1089108 1:03:20-2 laps
44.143CHURCHILL, JackDulwich Paragon CC942829 1:03:22-2 laps
45.460ATKINSON, BenjaminVC Londres444930 1:03:27-2 laps
46.83WATTS, BenCrawley Wheelers1570314 1:03:43-2 laps
47.435STATHAM, MarkBrixton cycles club1707570 1:03:43-2 laps
48.395HAMER, AlexIslington Cycling Club1670669 1:03:46-2 laps
49.439SURDA, PavolDulwich Paragon CC1461673 1:03:47-2 laps
50.375COOMBES, DanKingston Wheelers CC1769049 1:03:49-2 laps
51.138BUNYAN, TobiasEastbourne Rovers CC982812 1:03:50-2 laps
52.410MARX, patrickFare il Buco - RT1439721 1:03:50-2 laps
53.425OPENSHAW, Tom1542403 1:03:58-2 laps
54.476GILHAM, Sean1719246 1:04:01-2 laps
55.404LEACH, JamesBrixton cycles club431310 1:04:08-2 laps
56.355ASHTON, FelixDorking Cycling Club1793185 1:04:11-2 laps
57.399JACKSON, MatthewUniversity of Exeter Cycling ClubTEMP_544842... 1:04:27-2 laps
58.393GORDON, Ian1780161 1:04:30-2 laps
59.397HEMSLEY, AaronIslington Cycling Club951353 1:05:25-2 laps
60.412MAXWELL, MillarBrixton cycles club1066303 1:05:42-2 laps
61.448WILSON, OliverLondon Baroudeurs1814529 1:06:16-2 laps
62.379COUSSENS, HugoClapham Chasers Run & Tri Club1737908 1:06:19-2 laps
63.470BURNETT, JamesTEMP_060146... 1:06:19-2 laps
64.506TRENCH, AlexEast London velo1530267 1:06:22-2 laps
65.402KEEN, JamesDulwich Paragon CC1595255 1:06:30-2 laps
66.351BAYNES, Philip1607364 1:07:09-2 laps
67.444WATSON, Alexander1692820 1:07:12-2 laps
68.414MCCARTHY, JonathanDulwich Paragon CC1070469 1:08:11-2 laps
69.450CARTY, JulianIslington Cycling Club1501363 1:08:14-2 laps
70.457PRIOR, BenTEMP_791406... 1:08:15-2 laps
71.488MCARTHUR, JamesBrixton cycles club1565895 1:09:19-2 laps
72.441THOMSON, Peter1819694 1:09:50-2 laps
73.297PEMBERTON, TomNew Malden Velo1298745 1:11:02-2 laps
74.421MOSS, Andrew1694577 1:03:00-3 laps
75.452GILLIES, JosephTwickenham CC838495 1:03:15-3 laps
76.403KENWARD, TobyTEMP_414880... 1:03:33-3 laps
77.424NICHOLSON, ZacharyIslington Cycling Club1435615 1:03:40-3 laps
78.19DORMAN, Nic1716373 1:06:23-3 laps
79.468BRANCHETT, LiamCanterbury Bicycle ClubTEMP_519267... 1:08:29-3 laps
80.419MESSARIS, ByronRapha Cycling Club1563310 1:03:17-4 laps
81.469BRASSINGTON, WIlliamDulwich Paragon CC460353 1:03:26-4 laps
82.434SMITH, TimPenge Cycle Club1697269 1:03:57-5 laps
DNF387EVANS, AledBrixton cycles club1440009 
DNS101ELKER, MarcBrixton cycles club1702714 
DNS162HARRIS, RyanC and N Cycles RT1298251 
DNS371CHILDERSTONE, JackBrixton cycles club1251799 
DNS409MAKROPOULOS, Tilemachos1464710 
DNS465BENSON, JoshuaBrixton cycles club998932 
DNS490MCKENNEY, Josse1622154 
DNS514ZIELINSKI, MichaelClapham Chasers Run & Tri Club1810686 
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